Communing with the Bees!
As part of our #bee-#mushroom efforts, in collaboration with Drs. Steve Sheppard and Brandon Hopkins at the #Bee Research Lab at the Washington State University, Paul Stamets blessed by the bees. As part of our 'give back' #GBAC ( #GiveBeesAChance ) program, Paul, Dusty and the Fun-guys and Fung-gals at Host Defense & Starship FP donated $ 50,000 for research.
Paul says:
This is an all hands on deck moment. We face imminent threats to food #biosecurity as - according to top bee researchers - bee health is increasingly threatened worldwide, and the trends are worsening. We try to walk our talk and appreciate the support from all of you. We and the bees thank you! If you wish to join in this effort, go to our Http://
Paul Stamets, Earthling, Director of Research Fungi Perfecti, LLC
Senator Judy Warnick, 13th Legislative District, WA State
Dr. Dan Bernardo, Provost & Executive Vice President, Washington State University