Grandson Kai & the BeeMushroomed Feeder on #worldbeeday

There are many things we can pass onto the next generation. I encourage you to lead with wisdom, compassion and sustainability. We are working on helping all bees and pollinators for biodiversity and food security. Here I am with my grandson Kai filling a prototype @beemushroomed feeder. We hope to keep the bees as our food guardians for the untold future. #worldbeeday

Learn more at Http:// or Http://

#beekeeping #apis #savethebees #beemushroomed #pollinators #foodsecurity #biodiversity #CCD #healthybees #pollinatorgarden #conservation #wildlife #wasps #apiary #hive #spring #nature #savetheplanet #colonycollapsedisorder #savethepollinators #beefriendly

Chloe Palka