Released today: One Giant Consciousness by Desert Dwellers

There are times in life when you first meet a fellow soul traveler through their work, in this case Amani, and then later to become friends. I have journeyed with the help of Desert Dwellers music for many years, which has augmented my experiences. 

Today @desert_dwellers_musicbrings fans a very special edition of #BeyondBorders featuring a track that Amani, Treavor and I collaborated for this deeply meaningful album: One Giant Consciousness. Join us today if you can. If not today, then enjoy later as we share One Giant Consciousness ! A double album inspired by the film @fantasticfungi 🍄 We'll be joined by new friends @livinglightmusic@gumiproject @martinbridgeartvisuals by @simonhaidukart and performers Sunny & Lily Le of Flux Frequencies @liquidbloom@amanifriend @louieschwartzberg 

Tune into via this link on July 24, 2020 at 4pm PDT

Click here to access the “One Giant Consciousness” track

Chloe Palka