
Paul Stamets
Born: 1955, Ohio, USA, Earth
・Rootman, J.M., Kryskow, P., Harvey, K., Stamets, P., Santos-Brault, E., Kuypers, K. P.C., Polito, V., Bourzat, F., Walsh, Z. 2021. “Adults Who Microdose Psychedelics Report Health Related Motivations and Lower Levels of Anxiety and Depression Compared to Non-Microdosers” Nature Scientific Reports 11, Article number: 22479.
・Han, J., Naeger, N., Hopkins, B., Sumerlin, D., Stamets, P. Carris, L., Sheppard, W.S., 2021. “Directed evolution of Metarhizium fungus improves its biocontrol efficacy against Varroa mites in honey bee hives.” Scientific Reports 11, Article number: 10582.
・Rootman ,J., Kryskow, P., Harvey, K., Stamets, P., Santos-Brault, E., Kuypers, K., Polito,V., Bourzat, F. & Walsh, Z. (in prep) 2021. "Psychedelic microdosing: Practitioner characteristics, motivations and mental health."
・Alschuler, L., Weil, A., Horwitz, R., Stamets, P., Chiasson, A.M., Crocker, R., Maizes, V. 2020. “Integrative considerations during the COVID-19 pandemic.” EXPLORE.
・Benson, K.F., Stamets, P., Davis, R, Nally, R., Taylor, A., Slater, S., Jensen, G.S. 2019. “The mycelium of the Trametes versicolor (Turkey Tail) mushroom and its fermented substrate each show potent and complementary immune activating properties in vitro.” BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (19): 342
・Davis R, Taylor A, Nally R, Benson KF, Stamets P, Jensen GS. Differential Immune Activating, Anti-Inflammatory, and Regenerative Properties of the Aqueous, Ethanol, and Solid Fractions of a Medicinal Mushroom Blend. J Inflamm Res. 2020;13:117-131.
・Stamets, P., Naeger, N., Evans, J., Han, J., Hopkins, B.K., Lopez, D., Moershel, H., Nally, R., Sumerlin, D., Taylor, A., Carris, L., Sheppard, W. 2018. “Extracts of Polypore Mushroom Mycelia Reduce Viruses in Honey Bees.” Scientific Reports 8, Article number: 13936.
・Marshall, D., Stamets, P., 2017. “From Bears and Trees to Mushrooms and Bees.” Olympia, WA: Mycomedia Press.
・Stamets, P.E., Zwickey, H. 2014. “Medicinal mushrooms: Ancient remedies meet modern science.” Integrative Medicine 13(1):46-47
・Taylor, A., A. Flatt, M. Beutel, M. Wolff, K. Brownson, Stamets, P.E.. 2015. “Removal of Escherichia coli from synthetic stormwater using mycofiltration.” Ecological Engineering. (78). doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.05.016
・Taylor, A. & Stamets, P. 2014. “Implementing Fungal Cultivation in Biofiltration Systems – The Past, Present, and Future of Mycofiltration” In: Wilkinson KM, Haase DL, Pinto JR, technical coordinators. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations–2013. Fort Collins (CO): USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Proceedings RMRSP-72. 23-28.
・Hwang, C.H., B.U. Jaki, L.L. Klein, D.C. Lankin, J. McAlpine, J.G. Napolitano, S.G. Franzblau, S.H. Cho, P.E. Stamets, G.F. Pauli, 2013. “Biological and chemical evaluation of anti-TB coumarins from the polypore mushroom, Fomitopsis officinalis” J. Nat. Prod. 2013, 76, 1916−1922
・P. Stamets, M. Beutel, A. Taylor, A. Flatt, M. Wolff, K. Brownson. 2013. “Mycofiltration biotechnology for pathogen management: SBIR Phase I research results for ‘comprehensive assessment of mycofiltration biotechnology to remove pathogens from urban stormwater.’” Olympia, WA. 2013:
・Abrams, D.I., P. Couey, S.B. Shade, & F. Aweeka & P. Stamets. 2011. “Antihyperlipidemic effects of Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushrooms) in HIV-infected individuals with antiretroviral-induced hypercholesterolemia.” University of California, San Francisco, Aids Research Institute, The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, San Francisco. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011, 11:60 doi:10.1186/1472-6882-11-60
・P. Stamets & G. A. Plotnikoff. 2005. “Anti-Cancer Medicinal Mushrooms Can Provide Significant Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol).” International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, vol.3, p. 471472
・P. Stamets 2005. “Antipox properties of Fomitopsis officinalis (Vill.:Fr.) Bondartsev et Singer (Agarikon) from the Pacific Northwest of North America.” International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, vol. 7, p. 495-506
・P. Stamets 2005. “Medicinal polypores indigenous to the Pacific Northwest old growth forests of North America: Screening for Novel Antiviral Activity.” Acta Edulis Fungi: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, p. 431-439 8-12 April, Shanghai
・P. Stamets 2005. Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World. Ten Speed Press., Berkeley, CA.
・P. Stamets 2005. “Notes on nutritional properties of culinary-medicinal mushrooms.” International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, vol. 7, p. 109-116.
・P. Stamets 2003. “Potentiation of cell-mediated host defense using fruitbodies and mycelia of medicinal mushrooms.” International Journal of Medicinal Mushroom, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 179-192.
・P. Stamets 2003. “Medicinal mushrooms as allies for preventive medicine & alternative therapies; potentiation of cell mediated host defense using medicinal mushrooms & mycelia.” Alternative Complementary Therapies, Proceedings of the Ecological Medicine Conference, Seattle, March 28, 2003.
・P. Stamets 2002. “The Noble Polypore (Bridgeoporus nobilissimus): An ancient mushroom of many mysteries.” International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, vol. 4, no. 4, p. 355-358.
・P. Stamets, Wasser, S.P., M. Y. Didukh, A. de Meijer, M.L.A. de A. Amazonas, E. Nevo, & A.F. da Eira. 2002. “Is a widely cultivated culinary-medicinal Royal Sun Agaricus (the Himematsutake mushroom) indeed Agaricus blazei Murrill ?” International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, vol. 4, p. 267-290.
・P. Stamets 2002. “Novel antimicrobials from mushrooms.” Herbalgram 54: p. 29-33.
・P. Stamets & D. Sumerlin. 2001. “Mycorestoration: A novel approach for the bio-transformation of logging roads.” Mushroom, the Journal, Fall.
・P. Stamets 2001. “Portobello and crimini inventions are paying off, so watch for 'blanco bellos'.” Mushroom, the Journal, Summer, p. 5-8
・P. Stamets 2001. “A novel approach to farm waste management.” Mushroom, the Journal, Spring, p. 21-22 (Repost)
・P. Stamets 2001. “The ancient polypore: Bridgeoporus nobilissimus, a mushroom of many mysteries.” Herbalgram 51: p. 25-26.
・P. Stamets 2001. “Novel anti-virals from mushrooms.” Herbalgram 51: p. 24, 27.
・P. Stamets 2001. “Mycoremediation: helping the ecosystem through mushroom cultivation.” Trimtab: Bulletin of the Buckminister Fuller Institute, vol. 14; no. 1, Winter, p. 1-2.
・P. Stamets 2000. “Techniques for the Cultivation of the Royal Sun Agaricus, Agaricus blazei Murrill Himematsutake on Compost and Wood Substrates.” International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, vol. 2, p. 151-160.
・Thomas, S.A., P. Becker, M.R. Pinza, J.Q. Word & P. Stamets, 1999. “Mycoremediation: a method for test to pilot scale application.” Phytoremediation and innovative strategies for specialized remedial applications. The Fifth International In Situ and On-site Bioremediation Symposium. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH.
・P. Stamets with assistance from D. Yao. 1999, 2002. MycoMedicinals: An Informational Booklet on the Medicinal Properties of Mushrooms. Mycomedia Productions, Fungi Perfecti, Olympia, WA.
・P. Stamets 1999. Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World. Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, CA.
・P. Stamets 1999. “Earth’s natural internet.” Whole Earth Review, Fall, p. 74-77.
・Guzman, G., F. Tapia & P. Stamets, 1997. “A new bluing Psilocybe from U.S.A.” Mycotaxon 7:373-376.
・P. Stamets & J. Gartz, 1995. “A new caerulescent Psilocybe from the Pacific Coast of northwestern North America.” Mycotaxon 11: 476-484.
・P. Stamets 1993. “Permaculture with a mycological twist.” Mushroom, the Journal 40, vol. 11: 3. p. 5-7.
・P. Stamets 1993. “Mycofiltration of gray water run-off utilizing Stropharia rugoso-annulata, a white rot fungus.” Research Project awarded a grant by the Mason County Water Conservation District. Shelton, Washington.
・P. Stamets 1993, 2000. Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms. Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, CA.
・P. Stamets 1990. “Potential uses of saprophytic fungi in the recycling of wood wastes from the forest environment.” Special Forest Products Conference. Portland, Oregon.
・P. Stamets 1990. “A discussion on the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis:Fr.) Kar., the Reishi or Ling Zhi, mushroom of immortality.” McIlvainea 9 (2): 40-50.
・P. Stamets 1989. “How to grow mushrooms: a simplified overview of mushroom cultivation strategies.” Shiitake News: 6: 1, p. 11-13.
・P. Stamets & Chilton, J. 1983. The Mushroom Cultivator. Agarikon Press, Olympia, WA.
・P. Stamets, M.W. Beug, & G. Guzman, 1980. “A new species and a new variety of Psilocybe from North America.” Mycotaxon 11: 476-484.
・P. Stamets 1978. Psilocybe Mushrooms & Their Allies. Homestead Book Co., Seattle, WA.
Stamets, P. 2021, U.S. Patent #11,109,575. MBF Ref. 215261-9005-US02 “Bee Feeder Having Labyrinthine Portal” September 2021.
______, 2021, Eurasian Patent #EA555673. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” March 2021.
______, 2021, New Zealand Patent # 723135. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” March 2021.
______, 2021, Canadian Patent #2,950,173. Antiviral Activity from Medicinal Mushrooms Containing Phenyl Carboxylate/Acrylate Compounds. March 2021.
______, 2021, “Antiviral Activity from Medicinal Mushrooms and their Active Constituents” (anti-HPV). [EP 16-717-212/1]. March 2021.
______, 2021, Eurasian Patent # 201,990,504. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” February 2021.
______, 2020. U.S. Patent #10,821,145. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” November, 2020.
______, 2020. U.S. Patent #10,813,960. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” October, 2020.
______, 2019. CA Patent #2,939,143. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” July, 2019.
______, 2019. AT Patent # E-1023256. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” February, 2019.
______, 2019. DE Patent # 602,015,014,284.5. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” February, 2019.
______, 2019. IT Patent # 502,018,000,032,227. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” February, 2019.
______, 2018. ES Patent # 2,693,502. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” December, 2018.
______, 2018. EP Patent # 3,110,260. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” August, 2018.
______, 2018. DK Patent # 3,110,260. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees” May, 2018.
______, 2018. U.S. Patent # 9,931,316. “Antiviral activity from medicinal mushrooms and their active constituents” April, 2018.
______, 2016. U.S. Patent # 9,474,776. “Integrative Fungal Solutions for Protecting Bees”. October 2016.
______, 2016. U.S. Patent # 9,399,050. “Controlling insects and arthropods using preconidial mycelium and extracts of preconidial mycelium from entomopathogenic fungi” July, 2016.
______, P. 2014. U.S. Patent # 8,753,656. “Compositions for controlling disease vectors from insects and arthropods using preconidial mycelium and extracts of preconidial mycelium from entomopathogenic fungi.” June, 2014.
______, P. 2014. U.S. Patent # 8,765,138. “Antiviral and antibacterial activity from medicinal mushrooms.”
______, 2013. U.S. Patent # 8,501,207. “Mycoattractants and mycopesticides.”
______, 2011. U.S. Patent # 7,951,389. “Mycoattractants and mycopesticides.”
______, 2011. U.S. Patent # 7,951,388. “Mycoattractants and mycopesticides.”
______, Weil, A., Chen, C., 2009. U.S. Patent # 7,575,764. “Compositions comprising Hypsizygus ulmarius extract.”
______, 2008. Australian Patent # 2001296679. “Mycoattractants and mycopesticides.” (ceased)
______, 2006. U.S. Patent # 7,122,176. “Mycoattractants and mycopesticides.”
______, 2003. U.S. Patent # 6,660,290. “Mycopesticides.”
Stamets, P. 2021, U.S. Patent Application # 63/185,625. “Tryptamine Compositions and Methods for Modulating Inflammation” Filed May 7, 2021
______, 2021, U.S. Patent Application # 17/308,869. “Tryptamine Compositions for Enhancing Neurite Outgrowth” Filed May 5, 2021
______, 2021, International Patent Application # PCT/US21/25553. “Compositions and Methods for Modulating Inflammatory Response” Filed April 2, 2021
______, 2021, International Patent Application # PCT/US2021/025564. “Compositions and Methods for Modulating Inflammatory Response” Filed April 2, 2021
______, 2021, U.S. Patent Application # 17/221,411. “Compositions and Methods for Modulating Inflammatory Response” Filed April 2, 2021
______, 2021, U.S. Patent Application # 17/221,437. “Compositions and Methods for Modulating Inflammatory Response” Filed April 2, 2021
______, 2020 International Patent Application # PCT/US20/60947. “Tryptamine Compositions for Enhancing Neurite Outgrowth” Filed November 18, 2020
______, 2020, U.S. Patent Application # 16/951,012. “Tryptamine Compositions for Enhancing Neurite Outgrowth” Filed November 18, 2020
______, 2020, U.S. Patent Application # 16/951,009. “Tryptamine Compositions for Enhancing Neurite Outgrowth” Filed November 18, 2020
______, 2020, U.S. Patent Application # 63/029,815. “Compositions and Methods for Modulating Inflammatory Response” Filed May 26, 2020
______, 2020, U.S. Patent Application # 63/007,482. “Tryptamine Compositions for Enhancing Neurite Outgrowth” Filed April 9, 2020
______, 2020, U.S. Patent Application # 20200068857. “Bee Feeder Having Labyrinthine Portal” Filed March 5, 2020
______, 2019, U.S. Patent Application # 16/552,498. “Psilocybin Compositions” Filed August 27, 2019
______, 2019, U.S. Patent Application # 20190192498. “Psilocybin Compositions” Filed June 27, 2019
______, 2019, U.S. Patent Application # 20190105313. “Psilocybin Compositions” Filed April 11, 2019
______, 2019, U.S. Patent Application # 62/937,536. “Tryptamine Compositions for Enhancing Neurite Outgrowth” Filed November 19, 2019
______, 2018, U.S. Patent Application # 20180021326. “Compositions and Methods for Enhancing Neuroregeneration and Cognition by Combining Mushroom Extracts Containing Active Ingredients Psilocin or Psilocybin with Erinacines or Hericenones Enhanced with Niacin” Filed April 23, 2017
______, 2016, U.S. Provisional Patent Application # 62365982 “Enhancing Neuroregeneration and Cognition by combining mushroom extracts containing active ingredients Psilocybin and Erinacine analogs enhanced with Nicotinic Acids” Filed July 22, 2016.
______, 2016, U.S. Patent Application # 20160000754. “Antiviral Activity from Medicinal Mushrooms and their Active Constituents” Filed September 14, 2015
______, 2015. World Intellectual Property Organization Patent Application # PCT/US2015/019543. “Integrative fungal solutions for protecting bees.” Filed March 9 2015.
______, 2015. U.S. Patent Application # PS-AV-EB Provisional Utility Patent: “Antiviral activity from medicinal mushrooms and their active constituents.” Filed March 30, 2015.
______, 2015. U.S. Patent Application # 14/641,432. “Integrative fungal solutions for protecting bees and overcoming Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD): methods and compositions.” Filed March 8, 2015. Notice of Allowance received July, 2016.
______, 2014. U.S. Patent Application # 14/247,207. “Integrative fungal solutions for protecting bees and overcoming Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD): methods and compositions.” Filed April 7, 2014.
______, 2013. U.S. Patent Application # 13/998,914. “Antiviral and Antibacterial Activity from Medicinal Mushrooms.” Filed December 20, 2013.
______, 2013. U.S. Provisional Patent 13/986,978. “Controlling insects and arthropods using preconidial mycelium and extracts of preconidial mycelium from entomopathogenic fungi.” Filed June 20, 2013.
______, 2013. U.S. Provisional Patent 13/373,719. “Controlling disease vectors from insects and arthropods using preconidial mycelium and extracts of preconidial mycelium from entomopathogenic fungi.” Filed November 28, 2011.
______, 2007. U.S. Patent Application # 11/899,562. “Living Systems from Cardboard Packaging Materials.” Filed September 6, 2007.